「STEAM Breakfast Bites 原力早餐会」:独立游戏开发者的故事
The Story of Indie Game Developers
「STEAM Breakfast Bites 原力早餐会」是 「She Rewires她原力」 社群所举办的一系列超级个体的共建互动活动。我们致力于通过原力满满的早餐会谈,促进新技术、创新思维和前沿实践的交流并和潜在超级个体一起孵化和共建项目。我们的目标是激发社群的自我领导力和借助集体智慧和创造力,推动共同构建和创新的进程。 STEAM Breakfast Bites is a series of collaborative and interactive events organized by the She Rewires community, focused on empowering super individuals. Through energizing breakfast talks, we aim to foster the exchange of new technologies, innovative thinking, and cutting-edge practices, while incubating and co-building projects with potential high achievers. Our goal is to inspire self-leadership within the community and drive collective innovation and co-creation by harnessing collective wisdom and creativity. 在原力早餐聚会上,我们不仅能够分享知识,还能激发灵感,共同探索科技、工程、艺术和数学(STEAM)领域的需求场景、实践路径、成功案例以及无限可能。同时希望可以吸引到有志于使命驱动的超级个体和项目得以被发现和孵化。 At the She Rewires Breakfast Bites Meetups, we not only share knowledge but also spark inspiration, exploring needs, practical approaches, success stories, and endless possibilities in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). We also aim to attract mission-driven individuals and uncover and incubate promising projects. 本期邀请到一喵游戏工作室联合创始人赵源作为活动嘉宾,与大家共同探讨独立游戏的设计创思、开发故事、案例解析、玩家反馈、经验教训,欢迎报名参与「独立游戏开发者的故事」的话题讨论。 This session, we are honored to have Zhao Yuan, the co-founder of Meowsoft, as our guest speaker. Join us in discussing the creative ideas, development stories, case analyses, players' feedback, and lessons learned in indie game development. Feel Free to join and participate in the topic discussion titled "The Story of Indie Game Developers." 活动嘉宾 Guest Speaker 赵源,本科毕业后的第一份工作是云计算后端工程师。由于个人兴趣爱好广泛,并且想要发挥自己的创作欲望,希望能够创作出完全属于自己的作品,她决定辞去工作,并与朋友共同创立了一喵游戏。她们从2019年开始陆续开发游戏,其中极简风格的解谜系列作品《隐匿按钮》受到了玩家的广泛好评。在2023年,她获得了英国志奋领奖学金,前往伦敦玛丽女王大学学习Computer Games专业。目前,她已回国,并继续投入到她们尚未完成的动物主角剧情解谜游戏《猫在家里》的开发工作中。 Zhao Yuan, She started her career as a backend engineer in cloud computing after earning her undergraduate degree. With a wide range of personal interests and a strong desire to express her creativity, she aspired to create something entirely her own. This led her to leave her job and co-found a game studio called Meowsoft. Since 2019, they have been developing games, and their minimalist-style puzzle series, "Hidden Buttons" has received widespread acclaim from players. In 2023, she was awarded the Chevening Scholarship to pursue an MSc in Computer Games at Queen Mary University of London. Currently, she has returned to China to continue working on their unfinished animal-themed narrative puzzle game, "Cat at Home." 活动流程 10:00-10:10 咖啡社交&自我介绍 coffee time & members intro 10:10-10:40 主旨分享 speaker sharing 10:40-11:00 问答&Misfits超级个体共建开放麦 QA & Misfits Co-Building Open Mic 温暖放送
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.